Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nesting Frenzy

This week has been quite a whirlwind around our house...I am in complete OCD nesting mode, Jeremy is going to move out if I don't settle down. Not only am I scrubbbing every square inch of the house, I also have an ongoing list and if Jeremy looks up at me for a second or looks the slightest bit bored I chime in with a chore that is waiting for him...

Normally I am not like this at all, but with a baby on the way and a huge belly IN the way I have lost a bit of my independence...something that is very hard for me.

I say all of this to say, the nursery is almost done, just a few more things to hang and some finishing touches...I will be sure to post pics on the blog when it is complete. It looks great and is coming together a little bit at a time.

So, until then I will be busy cleaning things that have never been cleaned before and driving Jeremy up the wall.

1 comment:

yoriko said...

this made me laugh hard!!
I have alway heard that you start doing something that is "not like you" but it is true, it seems like, you becoming a "ocd" Watch out, Jeremy:)