Saturday, January 24, 2009

Miss America 2026~

Introducing Libby Given, contestant for Miss America 2026.

She enjoys sleeping on her stomach, Goodnight Moon and Gerber pears.

Evening Wear - a little ditty by Janie and Jack and gift from our friend Ansley Miller

Her platforms are:
~squash and carrots should be outlawed
~all moms and dads should have a repertoire of songs to sing to their children
~every kid should have a dog
~and who wouldn't love world peace?

Swimsuit - if you are wondering how I got these impeccable thighs, I must thank my Fisher Price Rain forest Jumparoo.

Talent - prepare to be amazed.

*Disclaimer - I do not support toddlers in tiaras, just thought since Miss America is on tonight we would get in the spirit...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are officially the most creative blog writer! You are always so creative and I want to keep reading. Great talent, Miss Elizabeth! Libby is precious!