Monday, August 25, 2008

Libby's favorite guy...

With our new lifestyle these days (eating sleeping & pooping) we are very happy when Dad comes home from work. It puts a smile on all of our faces to see that truck pull in the driveway...especially Hagan.
Believe it or not, I also fit on the couch with the rest of the crew pictured

And - Hagan loves Libby too. The transition for him has been fairly easy, his life hasn't changed too much and I think he likes me being home more than usual.

1 comment:

The Greer Family said...

Libby is just beautiful, i cant wait to meet her! Do you just wander every day how you had a life without her? I love reading your blog! I would have left messages before now, but i just got my own blog which i am fixing to email out the address on so now i can leave comments on yours! Talk to you soon!