Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's been too long...

Life is moving right along these days. John Henry and Libby are both growing up so fast it is scary.
Libby is growing right into her big sister role and learning to boss everyone around. John Henry LOVES her and lights up whenever she is in the room. Libby is very attached to him and doesn't like to go many places without him.
Jeremy and I are adapting to parenting two little ones. The night time routine has become a fine art and from the moment Jeremy walks in the door it feels like a 3 hour sprint with supper time, bath time and bed time.
We love our life and are so blessed.....So, while we don't want to wish these days away...we do wish we could nap more often.
Here are a few pics from the past few months.

Here is the little man, or should I say BIG man...size 3 diapers already!
I could just eat him up!

Libby & Momma playing outside in this great weather.

Feel asleep playing....oh  the life...

Love this face.
We took Libby to a Grizzlies game and had 4th row seats.
If a basketball game brings her this much joy and excitement - then we may need medication the day we take her Disney World. It was so fun to watch her light up.

Picnic with Juju and Maggie Moo Moo in Columbus

Holding Elvira (her baby doll) in the Baby Bjorn

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