Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our week in review ~

We welcomed Jeremy home Sunday night after he spent a week in Colorado. We missed him so much but he had a great time...a much needed trip away from the every day routine here in Memphis.
I stayed busy here with Libby. I tackled a little home improvement project while Jeremy was gone. It took much more time than I anticipated but I am very happy with the way it turned out. Basically every time Libby went to sleep, I was painting, priming or wallpapering...resulting in a new look for our pantry/laundry room but a very tired Elizabeth.
Libby missed her Daddy and we are so thankful he is home safe and sound but so glad he had such a great trip!

Part of the ropes course they went on
The cliff Jeremy repelled from - I'll pass...
Mike & Jeremy
View from 12,000 feet
Call me crazy, but I don't think duck hunting will ever be the same after this.

Libby in the tent we built - her favorite thing about it was that it could be destroyed -
she did that, twice...

Her new thing is hiding underneath things.

Conversing with my buddy...

Guess what we are going to be for Halloween?
Yee - Haw
The hat is complements of Runyan's birthday party - at the petting zoo.
Libby loved it!

Pantry - Before

Pantry - After
I must say, putting away groceries is a lot more pleasant these days.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Libby is getting so big. Can't wait to see you guys again. Hope it's soon. The pantry looks great!