Saturday, June 11, 2011

John Henry and his unfortunate hairdo

I know now that I see these pictures, what a mess his hair was, However, I think we should consider the facts. He is 5 months old....I mean, what mother is really ready to have the first haircut at 5 months??

Libby was almost one year when she had hers. It was easier to just put a bow in her hair and let it be a little crazy because she was a girl. But after a few months of hearing, "Elizabeth, it's time." From a few people, I gave in and I am so glad I did...

It's kind of weird when you are putting tangle spray in the hair of your 4 month old...and he is a boy.  So here are the pics.
yeah, it was time alright...

not to sure about this situation.

I call this one "bad Elvis chops"

still a bit of a mullet...

Look at the handsome devil...much better!

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