Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Here we go....

Well, after studying the blogs of others, being close to welcoming home baby girl Given, and living far from family and friends that we miss...I decided it was time to join the band wagon and start a, here we go!
(Please bear with me while I get the hang of this thing)

My baby girl Given is 6 months along and counting...she is definitely kicking all of the time and letting me know that I am for sure pregnant (this is not just the aftermath of a buffet meal gone bad)

Na Na and Papaw have bought many gifts for the baby, but Hagan's favorite by far is this giant panda...when we brought it home he was so excited to meet his furry new "friend".
We are a little apprehensive about how strong his affections may be, so we keep it out of his reach. (except for this photo op)

Nursery in the works - This is by far one of the most fun/difficult projects in my design experience...designing a nursery is very exciting, but I am finding out that I am the worst client I have ever had...I don't think pregnancy homones help anything.

Jeremy hung this light fixture and it looks so cute! He did a great job...its great to have a handy husband.

These are the fabrics that I am using and the general direction that I am going in, at least for today...The bed should be here soon. I will update nursery pics as it progresses.


ashley said...

Thought I would be the first to leave you a comment on your blog. You are one hot mamacita. I can't believe it's been 6 does time fly.

I love the light fixture and I think baby girl Given will enjoy staring at it in her posh crib as well.


Anonymous said...

WOW the baby girl Given bump is a bloomin'! So where is the bumper in this picture : )

Love the fabric that baby girl Given will have in her room - what a baby diva she will be!!

1 Great Aunt "T"