Santa came and Libby was very good this year...but a little confused because for the past 9 months we have been telling her that baby brother would be here when Santa Claus comes...and we thought he would.
My due date was Wednesday the 22nd and he has yet to make his debut...unless something happens tonight we are going in tomorrow morning to be induced. I have mixed emotions about being induced, however I am confident in the decision we made in waiting until after the due date and letting God be in charge of the event...Libby was born a week early so I guess I assumed with this being a second baby he would come early too...shows how much I know.
We have been busy with Christmas and preparing for baby brother there has been very little down time.
Robert, Zoey, NaNa and the boys are all in town so, they will get to meet the baby right away and Jane will arrive on my birthday to spend a long weekend and help out. Mimi says this is the longest pregnancy ever (I think it is because we lived with them all summer and you know the saying about a "watched pot")
It has gotten to the point that I have to send a text saying I am not in labor, but I am about to call...because whenever they see our name on caller id they expect big news and when I call just to chit chat, it is very anti-climatic.
I just wanted to post a few more pics of the house and Christmas because soon it will be baby mania and who will have time to care about the house?!?
This is the view from our breakfast table - it is like watching the discovery channel...
squirrels, geese, ducks, a blue heron, people running on the golf trail with their dogs and those die hard golfers that are golfing rain or shine...I must say I am thankful I married a duck hunter and not a golfer...
Duck hunting has a short season but golf goes on year round.
Libby's "playground"
Where we spend the most time and one of the most "finished" rooms in the house, the den.
Libby's big girl room, the nursery, and the office are next on the list...
Libby - so grown up - look how long and skinny her legs are - no baby fat in sight!
So sad!
NaNa, Nathan and Libby - waiting to open presents
Jeremy, Uncle Buzz, and Pop - solving the world's problems.
Libby playing with Nate and JP's paper jamz...this present was the hit this year.