My nieghbor Emily should make money event-planning.
Her little boy, Henry just turned 3 and we were invited to the birthday party & egg hunt at their house.
It was basically a small carnival.
It was so fun to watch Libby have such a good time.
I broke the cardinal rule of "never wake a sleeping baby" - but I was scared Libby would sleep through the party and miss it all. Once she saw all of the action across the street she perked up a lot.
Until, she noticed someone was occupying their red swing that hangs from the tree. Then she went on strike and proceeded to squat - to let us know she was not going to walk another step.
This is Jeremy trying to coax her out of her strike and foul mood.
The Easter bunny was there - handing out bunny ears. Libby hated him, but took the ears.
She wasn't happy until she was able to use the swing herself.
They had an egg hunt, but Libby didn't quite grasp the concept.
She did take a liking the the large yellow "ball".
Baby chicks in all colors...
And a little "vintage" carnival ride - Libby loved this too.
After the party we went home to play outside -
Pushing Byler in the swing.
Libby and Runyan cruising....we had a little incident earlier in the week - Libby fell out of the gator. It was not fun, but we just got a few tears and some scratches...
Runyan insisted we use a seatbelt this time and we came home injury free.