We are getting excited for Fall and Football around here - Go Dawgs!
Jeremy is like a kid at Christmas. Not to mention, duck hunting is just around the corner.
I am just happy the weather has been so great, Fall is my favorite time of year.
I have been brainstorming our Halloween costume but nothing has come to me yet.
Libby has been very busy. She has pretty much dropped her second nap, the transition has been easier on her than it has on me. The good thing is her nap that she does take is longer, so that helps me out. We are not walking yet...crawling is much much faster.
We have started to do Little Gym which she LOVES! I love it too, it is so fun to watch her play. She is definitely the life of the party. She loves to be the center of attention and is very outgoing. When we walk into any public venue she waves to everyone.
She loves Hagan - she has learned how to play fetch with him and thinks it is hilarious. He can really make her laugh. Here are a few pics to enjoy.
I love the great outdoors

Sleeping Beauty

This is how I exit every room - turn to wave to let them know I will not be in their presence and then make a mad dash for something I shouldn't be playing with.
Naked time is fun. (or as we say it "nekkid")

Going in for the kill - hitting is our new thing - look at Hagan wincing - poor guy.
This was after a long day, she was pulling her hair down - I looked back to see that I was riding with a diva from 1982