Every weekend the grass needs to be mowed, and so out the door Jeremy goes to tackle the yard work...It has definitely become "the" event of the weekend for Libby.
We sit and watch and wave to him...not just a normal wave that EVERY person we encounter normally gets, but a huge full arm frantic Howdy-do type of wave. And she does this every time he passes by. This is also the only opportunity I have to cut her fingernails because she is mesmerized by our hero on the snapper. Normally a manicure is out of the question unless she is extremly side-tracked.
Her other new obsessions are doors & light switches - She loves to shut Hagan out of the room and then open the door and laugh at him, and turn the lights on and off.
We are still not walking and I am fine with that...still crawling and eating interesting things we find. This is such a fun age and she is so much fun to play with the down side is she has learned how to throw fits...
The other day she went in her room and shut the door on me...I am already having visions of the teenage years...Lord help me.