This post is quite overdue and Jane has even awarded me the blog slacker in order to put that title behind me I thought it was time for an update...
Christmas came and went and what a whirlwind wind it was.
Does anyone ever relax over the holidays? I think Jeremy got in one quiet day over the week of Christmas but other than that it was non-stop...
Zoey, the boys and Martin all came in town and Libby finally got to meet her Uncle Robert and Uncle Martin. We also spent time with Jonathan and Nathan which was lots of fun...they have gotten so big and it was fun to get to see them almost everyday.
Jeremy got in some duck hunting and we celebrated our first Christmas with Libby and it was great. Also everyone was healthy and things seemed to go pretty smoothly this year. We are very thankful for that since our Christmas last year was consumed by the stomach bug and it was no fun at all.
We are very grateful that everyone had safe travels and we all stayed germ free!
Santa found us all on Christmas morning.
On the 23rd we celebrated with the Sides family - Above are all the great grandchildren (minus Julia & Maggie - they were missed!) Left to Right - Hugh, Bel, Mary Eliza, Elizabeth, Holden, Katherine, Ella, Matthew & Libby. Obviously we have a shortage of boys in the family.

Libby playing with Michelle, Mary Eliza & Jana

Libby finally got to meet Robert - or as she will call him "Uncle Buzz"
Uncle Martin gave Libby her first Raggedy Ann doll.

Chewing those fingers while
waiting to open presents with Pop...the suspense was almost too much...

Soon I will have a crush on my uncle Russell like my cousins do, I just don't know it yet.

Chubby Cheeks and Nathan did some bonding...

Mimi and Libby excited about all of the Chico's boxes under the tree...Mimi must have been really good this year.

Mom and Lu Lu got to eat lunch with the girls - she was dying to wear her new Christmas present from Maggie and Julia...

Libby, Nathan & Jonathan very happy about what Santa brought...

Libby is trying on her first pair of high heels from most shoes its all about style, not comfort - she is learning that early in one said being a girl was easy...

Nathan & Jonathan going off road...

Na Na & Papaw with the grand babies...all of them in one place is a rare event and a great Christmas present!