I can't believe how grown up Julia is. She is very talkative and so tall, her baby fat is vanishing...how sad!
Maggie is sitting up on her own and is so animated now. Jane was shocked by the size of my belly since the last time she saw me was April.

The gracious hostesses - Theresa, Krissie, Veronica & Katrina (not pictured - Jane, sniffle sniffle) I wish she could have been there!
Everything was themed around the nursery (black white & pink) it was adorable
Mimi, Elizabeth & Baby Given
Mom, me, Jana, Aunt Mary K., & Aunt Carol (not pictured Elizabeth Monteith & Yoriko Sides)
The Booth Girls - Aunt Cathy, Me & Lauran
Hagan was pumped about all of the new baby products...I watched him go from bag to bag for a good twenty minutes!
Thanks to all who came - It was great seeing all of you and Thank you to the hostesses...it was such a good time seeing everyone and catching up! Only a few more days until the Guest of Honor makes her debut!
Christina & David
Jeremy was not there due to a fishing trip on the Gulf, (his last hoorah before becoming a daddy) However, I had lots of dancing partners and lots of fun, despite Jeremy being out of town.
Me and the Booth men - plenty of dancing partners to go around
Jim & Theresa Hughes - one of our favorite couples!
Russell and Callie - cutting a rug
Future Parents - looking somewhat clueless
The better half of all of the hosts
Liz, Stephanie, Amy, Elizabeth, Rheagan & March
(not pictured Hillary) A few of the guys...
Jeremy, Brad, Mike, Brett & Eric